Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I finally watched the end of bang bang your dead on youtube and this is the saddest thing i think ive seen on youtube you guys should all go check it out

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Technical observations and Epic analysis from Lord of the ring

Have you ever wanted so much that you didn’t know what to do with it? Well in the Lord of the Ring directed by Peter Jackson. In this movie there are a lot of characters but I will only name the fellowship Frodo, Gandalf the gray, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gimili, Legolas, and Boromir. They help Frodo do his quest. I’m going to right about three major epic elements. I choose Heroism, Supernatural, and The Vast Setting.

I’m going to talk about heroism first, I think Sam is the most heroic one because he’s just a guy but he’s also Frodo’s guide (sidekick).
He also helps keep Frodo on track so he can get this quest over and done with. He is always warning him about everything that could possablibly want the ring back to the owner instead of destroying it. He cooks food for Frodo when he knows Frodo is hungry. Frodo has problems sleeping cause the ring is staring to take him over so Sam tries to make him sleep cause he needs his sleep. Sam also helps Frodo from the rings power. Sam is very loyal epically to Frodo. He kept his promise to Gandalf about staying and protecting Frodo all the way to the end. Merry and Pippin bring the silliness to this story cause every story has a funny guy in it. When they get tested they become every heroic. Frodo is the Epic Hero in this movie. Frodo took on the power that no one else can handle. Boromir tired to take the ring and he went crazy over it because of all its power and he wanted it all but it ended up in a death.

Next I’m going to talk about is supernatural. Supernatural does not exist in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material. I think in this movie the wizards are the most supernatural thing in the movie. The wizards in this movie are Saruman the White, and Gandalf the gray/white. Saruman the white fights Gandalf the gray and in this shot it shows a close up of Gandalfs face really mad. Like when Gandalf the Gray brings the kings back to from Sarumans power. Their staff is what gives them the power that they have. Sauron is the ring and he is the meanest curliest person in this movie I thought because he tries to get it back so he can get his body back instead of being an eye on a mountain.Legolas is also a good example of supernatural he never runs out of arrows when he’s fighting. The armor the elves gave the fellowship the rope that only lets g when u want it too, and the glowing bottle of water.

The last thing I’m going to talk about is the vast setting in Lord of the Ring. They are always traveling they never stay in one place to long unless they’re doing something. They start out in the shire but end up going through Rivendale, and Moria. I think they were all really good setting cause they moved a lot and that helps sat the setting. I’ll just tell u about a few of the places. Frist was the shire it was a happy little place cause it was the home of the elves, and they left it because Rivendale was in trouble and was being torn apart. Moria if the mine in the mountain that they fight the Cave Troll when it showed this shot it did a low camera angle to show how strong he is compared too the fellowship, and on there way out they have to go down a lot of stairs and it shows a long shot of the stairs they like zig zag back and forth but Gandalf gets stuck to fighting The Balrog and Gandalf talks to Frodo to tell him to go on and leave him there to fight it was an over the shoulder shot but then it goes to the scene where Gandalf gets grabbed by the Balrogs tail and drug down the cliff with The Balrog. Then Gandalf turns into Gandalf the White after he fights the Balrog. So I really like this movie because it helps with the whole setting instead of being in one little town and so much happing.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Review: LHS 2007 Video Winner

I just got finished watching it and Rocky practices alone in an alley. Then he gives up then starts while he is walking out of alley. He walks around a corner and this guy walks out talking about he can be the best and how he can become like his dad cause his dad was the best of the best. Rocky said he was the best but now he’s a has been used to be like his dad. Then he starts walking away the guy says he don’t know he’s good and Rocky keeps walking saying I’m no good then he starts practicing again and then yells to the guy I’ll do it (shoulder shot). Then it shows them running down Mass Street practicing with eye of the tiger playing. Then they practice with random people, they also practice while running, and with random objects like plastic bags felled with stuff. The Rocky runs up the stairs and practices his victory stance (Framing). Then they listen to the radio and it says Rocky is on his way up the ladder to becoming the best. Rocky says I am the best I can beat TJ. Rocky’s coach says he’s not reading but Rocky is going prove him wrong and Rocky runs out of the building across the street to the gazebo I South park today. Rocky practices while walking across the street, when he is approaching TJ. The coach is still sitting in the room shacking his head no then jumps up saying I got to save Rocky! TJ and Rocky Face each other. Then in the first round TJ wins Second round Rocky wins, and third round Rocky wins without looking cause his coach is coming up the stairs. Then Rocky and his coach do the Victory Jump.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Differences between Short Stories

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Len Masterman

Len Masterman said, "Tomorrow's world, in fact, will be increasingly domintated by mass media and communications technologies. I like this alot and it's already happing and will keep getting stronger."

He teaches us about why we study media literacy. He says our Media saturation is television because it's not only media medium that accounts for media saturation. When one considers pop music, radio, newspapers, magazines, computers and video games in addition to TV we are exposed to more mass media messages in one day than out grandparents were in a month.

He also says the media tries to predispose people not to just buy certain deterergents, cars, or asprin, but to simply buy.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I'm reading a book Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin. I like this book because it's about a teenager about our age. Her name is Elizabeth Marie Hall, and when she wakes up on a boat, and she realizes she is dead. She won't admit to herself she's dead and then she figures out what she died from. But on in the book she meets some people from when she was little and they die. There's a girl named Thandi who is 15 . And other guy who is the captain of the SS Nile and he's 7 . There was also a guy she met named Curtis Jest, and he used to be in a band and that was her favorite band when she lived on earth. But that's all im gunna tell you for now you'll have to read it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm Bored off my mind